Thursday, September 02, 2004


This is what is on my desk:

3 hole punch, tape in dispenser, flashlight, napkin, 3 wet erase markers, nylon book cover, post-it flags, apple, water, lime diet coke, cd labeled "pics from laptop (damn, I was looking for that earlier) portable disk drive, desk lamp (every one says how nice my office looks, it's because of the lamps) files in a stand (there is a picture of a black cat on a paper bag stuck to the stand) aspirin bottle, (it hurts it hurts my head hurts) black mug that says "You're Fired", huge Oklahoma Sooners drinking jug 3/4ths full of water (I need to drink more water) ID badge and keys, folder with school information printed on it, another wet erase marker (I have places for all this stuff why isn't it put away) headphones, 3 more cds, laptop computer (I need to buy a computer for my home, I don't want to haul this one back and forth but that is what it is for)note with students names I need addresses for, promotional clothing catalog, cd holder (put stuff away!) stack of papers that need going through, palm pilot, e-mail print out, small spiral notebook open to a page with the cryptic notes: "p10009411, p1010017, 01fix - begin, 99 - possible - mid rules, rap - end;" black moleskine notebook with "school" label that I made, stack of memos that are now out of date, plastic spoon.

This is what is in my head:

Presentation fix, love, ache, hungry cat, would be pleasant to clean, to be clean, shoulders ache, no more yard work, too quiet home, too noisy work, bar, schedule, arms hurt, show not started, sleep good, sleeping pills, new bra, clip claws, watch time, list, computer, meeting, am I in charge of picnic, fool's game, bum's rush, give lollipop, no credit, finesse egos, headache, heartache, confusion, hope, despair, asterisk, the story between the stairs is the real story.


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