Monday, November 14, 2005

Amendment of Life

I worked on Travels, but didn't finish. I ended up drinking too much at a party and then drinking more at home and that was a total wreck and I embarrassed myself in front of my roommate, who seemed to be ignoring me, but I am sure couldn't help but notice me staggering around, etc. In spite of only a mild hangover, I think changes must be made. My physical life is out of control. I've gained back a lot of weight, I used to drink very little, now when I drink, I drink a lot, and exercise is no where is sight nor has it been for a long time.

So today, I attempt to amend said life. I have purchased healthy frozen lunches and installed the in the school fridge, along with some snack yogurts. Breakfast is a small latte and a lowfat blueberry muffin. When I lost 50 lbs, this was my staple breakfast, and the downfall of my success in that arena, thought it is not the complete reason, can be tracked by the growing excesses of size and additives to my coffee drinks. In addition to these actions, I have taken a vitamin, and listened to NPR on the way to work, always a health injection measure, I believe.

While I don't know how this will succeed, I feel it is the first postive step I have taken in a long time, and that feels good in and of itself.


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