Saturday, May 27, 2006

Europe Journal Part II: E-mail from Munich Germany


Gruß Gott! ( ilove the waythis german keyboard has all the symbols, however
the z is where the y should be and the ä is where the ´ normally is, so
pardon my typos)

I am in an internet cafe across from the Munich train station. In an hour or so, I will go and get my luggage out of the locker I parked it in, and catch the train to Rome. I get to have a schlaffzimmer(sleeping room) which is something I have always wanted to do. Anne has been told she WILL get out of bed early and come and fetch me at the train station. She is grumbling about it, but will come through, I know. Right Anne?

Germany was great! I forgot how beautiful it was.I had a great time taking long walks in and around the little town Katherine and Jim live in. Of course Jim was greatly missed, but Katherine hears from him often from Iraq. Please keep both of them in your prayers!

I drove on the auto bahn in katherine´s car yesterday, and no one died,so I feel this is a plus. I only edged up on 90 miles an hour once when I was passing someone. The germans do have the greatest road signs ever, as long as you know where you are going,but after some detours I made it to Nürnburg, and had a nice time seeing the old city and beautiful churches.
I have done the same today here in Munich.

I hope everyone is well, I miss you!

ps - Yes, I am watching out for the wierd men. Where exactly might I find them?


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