Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Quick Trip: Seeing the Mendoza Line in Philly

I’d like to open, by apologizing for the first article I ever wrote about the Mendoza Line, which fortunately is lost in the wilds of the internet, which was a “review” of the first Mendoza Line show I ever saw. Good Lord, I had no idea what I was talking about. I made several gross errors, most notably, I credited several of Pete’s songs to Tim, and said that Tim was suffering from some sort of terrible throat malady, when it turns out, he just sounds that way.

Two years have passed since then, and I am older and wiser, and I am at least somewhat familiar with the ML catalog. I know everyone’s names, and I know some of the personal foilbles of the group, my favorite of which, is that they just wander off and reappear without warning during the waiting period before the show. Also, Deppler will eat anything put before him, except in the 2 hours before the show, when only gum and beer is allowed. I also have been exposed to more music in general, to make up for a stunted growth in this area in my adolescence. I still don’t know much, but I do know what I like.

I like the Mendoza Line. Now I know what you are saying, I have a personal stake here, I am friends with these nutcakes, why wouldn’t I like them? I am also a noted suck-up, and will pretend to like most anything to please others. But really I do like the music. So yesterday, I took a 12 hour junket to see them in Philadelphia. If we expand the timeline to 24 hours, it looks like this:

8:00am – Classroom, Arlington VA
12:00pm- Lunchroom, Arlington VA
4:00pm – Apartment, Arlington VA
8:00pm – I-95 just outside Philadelphia, PA
12:00am- The Mendoza Line Show at The Fire, Philadelphia PA
4:00am – Walking into Apartment, Arlington VA
8:00am – Walking into classroom, Arlington VA

(I like the whole chronology because the times of 8, 12, and 4 really were significant points in the action. Except for perhaps the lunch, but hey, you’ve gotta eat, right?)

Point the first: Why do rock shows have to be so damn late? I mean, is there anyone who really goes, “Oh, that show starts at 7:00, no WAY am I going to show up at 7:00 to see a band. Seriously, I know I sound like a senior citizen looking for the early bird special at the Sizzler, but come on! Midnight on a school night! Sheesh.

But I am willing to suffer for my art. I also like a spontaneous adventure. And the next day was Friday, so I can tough that out and have a little sleep in on Sat.

Point the second. People should be happy in their work. Now I am not entirely sure that each member of the ML is happy as a clam all the time the show is going on. Humans are complicated creatures, and I know some of the fellows on stage stretch the word complicated to a great extreme, but they look like they are having a good time, and I know that I and possibly the guy next to me (I noticed he was doing some festive foot shuffling, and singing along like I was) would be digging the work, so here’s hoping that it is as fun as it looks to perform.

This is the 7th Mendoza Line show I have seen. Easily the best yet. I must admit initially I was a little alarmed. Tim was doing a bit more screaming (he sort of goes “AAAARRRGH at various moments) than usual and Adam was looking very serious and intense on the drums, but it turned out that this really worked, and the set really rocked along.

Point the third and last. Travel is a little victory. Successful journey, even though I got lost twice, and drove the wrong way down a one way front of a cop.

So that's all for now, friends. Just a quick story about a quick trip.


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