Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Triumph Lessened due to Personal Weakness

One would think success breeds success, however Tuesday was a bust on the bus, and Wednesday did not fare much better. Tuesday I overslept, missed the early bus and the second one I thought would work, never came. I restorted to the age old tatic of calling my parents for a ride. My dad was quite willing and we had a nice talk on the way, but overall, a failure for handling my own business. In the afternoon I finally took the car for a new battery, and far from taking a long time it was remarkably quick, and I had enough money to pay for it. (That had been my main reason for putting it off.)

I do feel that it would be excellent for both character and environment to continue to use the bus system, perhaps two to three times a week, but again this morning slept too long. Ironic, since I was awake around 4. I should just get up instead of falling back asleep.


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