The Bookshelf in My Brain

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Am I a big bore?

I work, I knit, I watch TV. I visit with my friends, I cook, I shop.

Knitting is a repetitive activity. I use patterns, not yet able to make up things on my own. When something is done I give it away. Occasionally I make cards or paint a strange pictures. I have a stained glass project working, but haven't done anything on it in a while. I used to write, but haven't had many ideas in a long time.

I flit from thing to thing and don't concentrate long enough to really undersand and accomplish anything. I have so many books that are unread, unfinished. Piles of mail to be gone throught, bits and pieces of unfinished projects all around.

All these unfinished things and tiny projects would be fine if I understood why I was doing or not doing them?

What am I trying to do?